New Home Development Company (NHDC) administers a number of programs which provide housing opportunities to adults recovering from mental illness in Defiance, Fulton, Henry, and Williams counties. Service areas include: property management, housing development, rental subsidy, and housing counseling. Following is a brief description of each program. For a more detailed description, please visit the programs' individual pages.
Housing Assistance ProgramThe Housing Assistance Program (HAP) is a rent subsidy program administered by NHDC. This program enables qualifying persons to rent their own housing unit at an affordable rate.
Permanent Supportive Housing
Property Management
NHDC provides housing management services to other area non-profit organizations. Presently, NHDC manages the properties of Defiance County Residential, a local non-profit organization. To learn more about the housing opportunities offered by Defiance County Residential click the learn more button. To discuss how NHDC can meet your organizations property management needs, please contact Caren Bauer at 419.519.3075.
Upton Heights
Upton Heights was completed in 2016. This project consists of 10 apartments which are 650 square feet. There is common area that promotes socialization. Total building is 8740 square feet. A Renewed Mind staff is on site 24/7. Upton Heights is independent housing that focuses on alcohol/drug recovery.
Pontiac Apartments
Horizon Heights
Horizon Heights was constructed in 1997 and is located in Bryan, Ohio. This building houses ten individuals. The apartments are 400 square feet each. This project is considered independent living with a monitor on-site 24/7. This housing option offers a sense of security. There is no debt on this project. NHDC business office moved to this location in 2009.